The Missing Americans Project

Looking for People and Answers

Re: Ronald Scheepstra-wife's trip to The Netherlands

I travelled to The Netherlands, where my husband Ronald is from. I go here this time to attend a Rememberance Gathering for him. We had 71 visitors. It was not a sad affair. It was more like a party with a few tears. We remembered the Ron that everyone loved. Remembered how funny he was, how stubborn he was and how much he loved to fly fish.
I remembered what a wonderful husband he was and how much I miss him. Being here in Holland I see him everywhere I look....I hear him with everyone speaking Dutch..I become angry that he was taken from me and I don't even know what happened. I look at his parents who are heartbroken. I wish there was something I could do to ease their grief.
His sister and brother in law arranged a meeting in The Hague for us to meet with the Dutch Foreign Affairs and The Dutch Federal Police. What I found out was very disturbing. The Mexican government has an ongoing Federal level investigation. I have been trying to get the US Consulate to reply to my request for information regarding this. The Mexican Government have requested assistance by the Dutch in this investigation. The Dutch have been trying to get information from the US Consulate and FBI for 6 weeks with no reply. The Mexicans may have also asked the US to help with the investigation, but who knows? They certainly have not been forthcoming with that information.
Do you have any idea how it feels to sit in a foreign Embassy and be told that YOUR government is stalling an investigation that has been 6 months in the making? It was embarrassing. I became furious with my own government. They are supposed to be there to help us, aren't they? It is shameful that the Dutch government has done more for me personally than the US. I am disgusted that the US government is not aggressively trying to find out what happened to my husband...or at least would pass on some information to the Dutch who are more than willing to help.
Ronald went missing in Xcalak, Mexico April 11th while on a fly fishing trip with friends. He left the water and the group to go back to his car. He never made it to his car. There has never been any evidence found. No water bottle, fishing rod, hat...nothing. The local police totally bungled any investigation. There was a search, and then 5 weeks later there was another search with dogs. It took 3 months for the Mexican government to agree to do a Federal level investigation.
For information about the early investigation go to to read my journal.

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Comment by Brian Dobbins on November 30, 2009 at 7:52am
The Australian government tried but were unable to help us find our son when he disappeared in Costa Rica. This may be a characteristic of "anglo club" countries like Australia & United States.
Comment by Jeff Dunsavage on November 2, 2009 at 12:10pm
P.S. I love my country - it's our so-called leaders I want to vaporize from time to time.
Comment by Jeff Dunsavage on November 2, 2009 at 12:10pm
Hilary has no interest in missing persons. This is not a slam on her - the State Department and its embassies simply do not exist to help mere individual U.S. citizens' interests abroad. They only move (grudgingly) when congressional pressure is brought to bear. This is why we need to get ourselves organized and to find champions in Congress for the larger issues of transparency and accountability.
Comment by Cynthia Scheepstra on November 2, 2009 at 9:24am
I think we have tried contacting her. We have contacted everyone from the President down and can't get a reply.
My hope is in the Dutch...If the US will just cooperate with them so THEY can assist the Mexican governement.
I am so disgusted with the US Government right now...don't feel too patriotic at the moment.
Comment by Sherry Rush on November 2, 2009 at 7:22am
Has anyone tried to get in touch with HIlary Clinton? She does head that Department. Cindy, I can't remember if we tried that. I am sure we did, but I can't remember.
Comment by Jeff Dunsavage on October 31, 2009 at 10:03am
Cindy, this is so sad. We, too, have been terribly disappointed with the U.S. State Dept.'s unwillingness to take a proactive role in the search for Joe and investigation into actionable information we had about his disappearance. They've let the trail go cold and we are on our own. This is one of the reasons I started the Missing Americans Project. In addition to helping to find our loved ones or answers about our losses, we need to push our government for greater clarity and accountability from the State Dept. in cases of U.S. citizens who disappear in foreign countries.

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