The Missing Americans Project

Looking for People and Answers

It was Easter Sunday last year that I was informed by the US Consulate by phone that my husband, Ronald was missing in Xcalak, Mexico. While April 11th is the actual 1 year anniversary of his disappearance, I still associate it with Easter. Holidays are such a difficult time for families of missing loved ones. I have survived this past year, by the grace of God. I celebrated the true meaning of Easter with my daughter, son in law and grandson in Dallas this year. I truly believe I will see Ron again and that is the main source of strength I have to keep on going.
I wish all of you a blessed Easter and you remain in my prayers. Cindy Scheepstra

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Comment by Cynthia Scheepstra on April 6, 2010 at 8:13am
Thank you Jeff...You, Joe and your family remain in my prayers.
Joes year anniversary will come up soon too. I will be thinking of you especially then.
Thank goodness Ron's comes on a weekend and I don't have to work and be around people that day.
Comment by Jeff Dunsavage on April 6, 2010 at 1:33am
Thinking of you and Ron, Cindy. God bless.


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