The Missing Americans Project

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Julie R. Jones
  • Female
  • Brewer, ME
  • United States
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  • Jaime Owens
  • Michele Bodah
  • Sharon E. Avila
  • Cynthia Scheepstra
  • Jeff Dunsavage

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Have you lost a friend or family member outside the U.S.?
If yes, in what country or area was the person last seen?
What is your interest in the Missing Americans Project?
I work full-time in K9 search, rescue and recovery with VK9 Scent Specific Search and Recovery (VK9 SSSAR). We specialize in working with law enforcement on aged and contaminated abduction and missing person cases. VK9 SCENT SPECIFIC SEARCH AND RECOVERY

Also Director of AI+RRNET, Aerial Imagery [and] Rescue, Recovery Network (more info. below).

National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) SARTECH II and Fundamentals of Search and Rescue (FUNSAR).

K9 nationally certified with the National Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA) in: Cadaver (Human Remains); Trailing; Area Search; and Articles / Evidence.

Also certified within VK9 unit in: Scent Specific Trailing; Scent Specific Area Search; Area Search; Cadaver (Human Remains); Articles / Evidence.


Director, New England Region

VK9 provides "specialized K9 support" to law enforcement agencies across the nation with the use of our K9’s in several different search and recovery venues including, but not limited to: abductions, missing person cases and homicides. Our K9's are also able to do aged (old) work in live scent trailing / tracking, airscent, evidence / article recovery (all of which can be scent-specific) and cadaver work (both land and water). A more comprehensive list of services is provided on the VK9 website.

Our specialty is to be able to work older cases with the use of secondary scent, aged trails, and vehicle trails. We do extensive work in scent matching to identify if a matching scent is present at target locations. Additionally, our K9’s will provide a negative indication when scent is not present to the K9. We have worked many cases successfully using our techniques.




AI+RRNET is the coordinating center for tactical aerial imagery used in missing person search, rescue and recovery work on both land and water.
The high resolution imagery is obtained under guidance from AI+RRNET and relayed for analysis to VIASAR labs in Ohio where it is analyzed by professional analysts.

AI+RRNET provides both the coordinated SAR team mission planning and the link to digital imagery and analysis. AI+RRNET also deploys hasty teams in the area of the search. This simple idea / technique has led to victims being found on many occasions.
Do you wish to be contacted directly by The Missing Americans Project? If so, please provide best way of reaching you below.

Cell Phone: 207-735-4350

Available 24/7/365 for all elements of search, rescue and recovery work including the above, as well as disaster work. SPECIALTY is working with law enforcement on ABDUCTION / MISSING PERSON cases. Please feel free to get in contact with me regarding the usage of K9's. Available for conferencing on search techniques, strategies, etc.


Director, New England Region

VK9 provides "specialized K9 support" to law enforcement agencies with the use of our K9’s in several different recovery venues including, but not limited to: abductions, missing person cases and homicides. Our K9's do live scent trailing / tracking, cadaver (both land and water work), and in evidence / article recovery.  A more comprehensive list of services is provided on the VK9 website.

Our specialty is in the use of secondary scent, aged trails, and vehicle trails.  We do extensive work in scent matching to identify if a matching scent is present at target locations.  Additionally, our K9’s will provide a negative indication when scent is not present to the K9.  We have worked many cases successfully using our techniques.




AI+RRNET is the coordinating center for tactical aerial imagery used in missing person search, rescue and recovery work on both land and water.

The high resolution imagery is obtained under guidance from AI+RRNET and relayed for analysis to VIASAR labs in Ohio where it is analyzed by professional analysts.

AI+RRNET provides both the coordinated SAR team mission planning and the link to digital imagery and analysis.  AI+RRNET also deploys hasty teams in the area of the search. This simple idea / technique has led to victims being found on many occasions.  


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At 10:10pm on December 18, 2011, Jaime Owens said…

julie, i just wanted to say hi, and tell you thank you for everything you have done for us~ and quincy is AMAZING~ i never thought for one minute b4 i met you that a dog could be that talented and now after seein it for myself u have changed my heart forever in the trust in an animal with such talent, i wish u luck in all that u do and look forward to finishing what we started a few months ago, trully from my heart and Virginia's family would say the same, Thank you , Happy Holidays :)

At 11:24am on February 14, 2011, Sharon E. Avila said…
At 5:43pm on October 24, 2010, Cynthia Scheepstra said…
Thank you so much. I looked at the website and it appears you have some amazing dogs.
I wished we could have used your dogs when Ron went missing. I know you do so much good work. I commend you and those amazing dogs!
At 8:58pm on January 23, 2010, Cynthia Scheepstra said…
Thank you for joining the Project. Dogs were used in the search for my husband in Mexico. What a great thing you do with your work!
At 9:18pm on October 11, 2009, Jeff Dunsavage said…
Welcome, Julie! Looking forward to your feedback.

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