We really need to get this website out in the open and more known of!! I haven't seen much traffic on this site and we need to get a moving and get more people on here. I would also like to see posts (blogs) from other members!! We would like to know personal experiences and such.
I understand with many this is a very touchy subject.. But, I am willing to help anyone with other options and ideas of bettering the searches, there are other ways to do things. As I was thinking last night as in Jeff's situation. He has been at this for a while and has learned the ropes of how the federal government works and so forth. I have learned a lot just by visiting this site and learning through talking with Jeff.
We are also here to help in other search efforts. Which there may be someone in our same situation that has no idea about this site and need to make it known. The more people, the better running this site would be. The more idea's and friends working together can always have a happy ending for someone, who knows. Could be one of us! We can find answers but we need to work together and get the answers we so demand!
Please, post idea's!
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