Cynthia Scheepstra


Lufkin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Have you lost a friend or family member outside the U.S.?
If yes, in what country or area was the person last seen?
What is your interest in the Missing Americans Project?
To make others aware of the dangers of traveling to Mexico or most anywhere in Central America or the Carribean. I don't want this to happen to another family. Also, you are on your own if something goes wrong in a foreign country. The US will give you very little if any help in finding your loved one.
Do you wish to be contacted directly by The Missing Americans Project? If so, please provide best way of reaching you below.
my email address is

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff Dunsavage

    Welcome, Cindy. Looking forward to your input and feeback.
  • Jeff Dunsavage

    Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  • Cynthia Scheepstra

    For Rhonda, my sister in law, Tutu, my 2nd Mom and all the brave warriors who battle cancer.
  • Margaret Hampton

    I love you and pray for you and for Ronald every day.
  • Brian Dobbins

    I am sorry to hear the news about Ron. I hope the FBI are able to get involved in the search. I hope & pray that you have a good outcome. Don't give up on hope.
  • Jeff Dunsavage

    Growing rapidly - unfortunately thanks largely to your family and friends and those of Leo Finley. I have some things I'd like to speak with you about in the next few weeks as far as ways to get kicking in the new year. Is there a best day/time?
  • dawn ingle

    Cynthia you are right she is a wonderful person my twin did something right when he married her i so happy she is part of our family im sorry i cant do much more i do pray everyday for you and your family i have sent this link to others in hopes of spreading the word.. i wish you lots of luck and hang in there i know its hard for you and if i can do something to make things a little easier let me know thank you for your time i know you don't have much of the Dawn
  • Julie R. Jones

    Hi Cynthia, thank you so much for your post. Please email me privately and I will let you more about what we do - we do SO much more than 'traditional' SAR work ... you will be extremely surprised at what we do.

    It is wonderful that so many good people are brought together by The Missing Americans Project, but so sad that this 'Project' needs to exist.
  • Christopher Rowley

    Thanks, Cynthia. I wish you all the best.
  • Julie R. Jones

    Mrs. Scheepstra - I am so very sorry about the loss of your husband. The torture of you not knowing what happened to him must be so devastating. My sincere condolences ...

    More than likely there is a marked difference in the work that the dogs did when looking for Mr. Scheepstra and what I do. While I can do the 'traditional' search and rescue work, we specialize in working older cases - being able to run 'live scent' even after many months have passed. While you will find that after a day or so, there won't be many that will run live scent trails, we will be able to do this for months afterward which is extremely beneficial in finding out where the missing person went. Couple this with being able to work vehicle trails which most do not do, we can add quite a dimension to SAR when working with other resources. Please take a look at our website so that you can get an idea of the work that we do.
  • Adriana Aviles Allen

    thanks cynthia,im just so amazed how many people go missing and still nothingis being done.i hope with all the letters we send we can soon get some help from someone.