The Missing Americans Project

Looking for People and Answers

A message I got that reminds me that Jessie did NOT go missing in vain . . . OF THIS I AM SURE!

Of course I hate to say it, because I do not want it to be a good thing that Jessie went missing, however, since this did happen to her and to us, I am very grateful for the wonderful things that keep happening BECAUSE of what happened to my daughter. 

I got the following message from a young woman on Wednesday, but I did not see it until yesterday. I replied as soon as I did - that message is below hers.


I watched the movie Taken today and I remembered the story of Jessie. I was at Chase (B.C.) Secondary (high school), in Mr. Arkinstall's Law 12 class last year, when you came to give a presentation. Ever since that day I have not been able to stop wondering about Jessie and where she is now. I think often about what it must have been like to be in her position, I can only imagine how frightened I would be. 


I just wanted to let you know that your presentation touched me deeply, and I have not stopped thinking about your daughter. I'm sure that she's out there somewhere always thinking of you. I bet she dreams about her family and how much it's grown since she's been away. Your persistence inspires me. I want to help spread the awareness about Jessie and the Human Trafficking act. 


Never Give Up

Thank you for teaching me to be aware.

You'll never know how much I appreciate this. 


My reply to her:


*******, I appreciate your message more than you will ever know. It is messages like these that truly keep me going. If I can ever do anything that ultimately stops something bad from happening to anyone, then I know that Jessie did not go missing in vain.


I do know that we are not living through this for nothing. What I do may not bring back Jessie . . . it may, but maybe not . . . I am sure, however, that it will stop it from happening to someone else I know and love.


Take care . . . and please keep in touch. Love Glendene. 

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